44 research outputs found

    Pergaruh Relational Norm Terhadap Tipe Strategi Perusahaan

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    Companies don't only need good relationships with consumers or users of the products or services used by the company, but also the relationship with the marketing channel. Every company in a competitive industry should have a strategy to be able to do business, to create value and to compete. This study investigates the effect of relationalism at the level of the company's competitive strategy, which includes aggressive marketing strategy, product specialization strategy, and price leadership strategy. Data was collected by the survey design that is by distributing questionnaires directly to the sales managers and marketing managers who became the respondents in this study. Data from 162 respondents were analyzed using AMOS 18.0. The result showed that the level of rationalism have a positive effect on aggressive marketing strategy and price leadership strategy, but does not have a negative influence on product specialization strategy. Keywords: relational norm, relationalism, business-to-business, strategi bersaing, aggressive marketing strategy, product specialization strategy, price leadership strategy, relationship marketin

    Analysis of Willingness to Pay for Ancillary Revenue of Full Service Airline (The Case of Garuda Indonesia)

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    Airlines are facing challenges from high cost structures and intense competition. This has made airlines universally look for opportunities to generate ancillary revenue, additional income apart from their main sources, including Full Service Carriers (FSC). Measuring consumer’s willingness to pay is pivotal in pricing and estimating ancillary revenue demand. This study analyzes whether customer’s type of journey, purpose of journey, length of flight, and type of flight class have an impact on willingness to pay (WTP) of Garuda Indonesia’s ancillary revenues which comprises of unbundled products and commission-based income. This paper uses data from a survey to Garuda Indonesia’s customer and follows quantitative studies to identify and describe the relationship between the WTP of Garuda Indonesia’s ancillary revenue and all variables involved. The study found that passengers value more the unbundled products. It is also found differences in WTP for particular ancillary products and services based on purpose of journey, length of flight, and type of flight class. Keywords: Ancillary Revenue, Willingness to Pay, Type of Journey, Length of Flight, Journey Purpose, Type of Cabin Class, Full Service Carrier

    Kelas 6 A1 Daftar Perkuliahan, BAP, Nilai Mahasiswa

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    Daftar Hadir, BAP, Nilai Mahasisw

    Kelas MMJ2B Daftar Hadir, BAP, Nilai Mahasiswa

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    Kelas MMJ2B Daftar Hadir, BAP, Nilai Mahasisw

    Kelas 6A3 Daftar Hadir, BAP, Nilai Mahasiswa

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    Kelas 6A3 Daftar Hadir, BAP, Nilai Mahasisw

    Kelas MMJ3B Daftar Hadir, BAP, Nilai Mahasiswa

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    Kelas MMJ3B Daftar Hadir, BAP, Nilai Mahasisw


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    Barang tiruan adalah barang-barang yang memiliki merek dagang yang sama (identik) atau tidak bisa dibedakan dengan merek dagang yang sudah didaftarkan atas nama perusahaan lain dan melanggar hak pemegang merek dagang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh citra merek, pengetahuan produk, dan keterlibatan produk terhadap keinginan konsumen untuk membeli barang tiruan bermerek (BTB). Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kausal dengan menggunakan responden sebanyak 214 orang. Variabel-variabel dalam penelitian ini diukur dengan menggunakan skala Likert. Teknik penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan judgemental sampling, sementara teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan tehnik analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi dengan menggunakan SEM. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian dimensi citra merek berpengaruh positif terhadap keinginan membeli BTB, sementara pengetahuan produk dan keterlibatan produk tidak berpengaruh terhadap keinginan membeli BTB


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji pengembangan keahlian dalam menciptakan kepuasan pelanggan ke arah pembentukan kepercayaan dan Ioyalitas pelanggan pengguna jasa internet Telkom Speedy. Keahlian-keahlian tersebut mencakup reputation building skills, problem solving skills, verbal communications skills, nonverbal communications skills, dan customer service culture skills . Dengan partisipasi 186 responden pengguna jasa layanan internet provider Telkom Speedy di Jabodetabek yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan convenience sampling terungkap bahwa bahwa problem solving skills dan customer service cukture skills sebagai faktor yang mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Sebaliknya reputation building skills, verbal communications skills dan nonverbal communications skills tidak memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap kepuasan palanggan. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan pelanggan mampu membentuk kepercayaan dan loyalitas pelanggan

    Supply Chain Collaboration and their Impact on Firm Performance: An Empirical Study

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    The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize the dimensions of supply chain management practices and their impact on firm performances. In this empirical paper, business competitiveness of the service provider’s logistics companies comprises facets relating to quality and delivery of their products to the customers. Besides, as far as faster product delivery to the customers is concerned, this can be ascribed to the extensive sales and distribution networks established by the top twenty service provider’s logistics companies in Indonesia. The methodology of this study depends on the Meta-analysis, whereby the results reveal a positive effect of supply chain management practices, as viewed by the respondents of the service provider’s logistics companies on business performance. Such positive effects of supply chain management practices on both business competitiveness and customer satisfaction are validated by prior studies as well, who observe that when activities are performed in sync with both suppliers and customers, it would significantly leverage firm business competencies as well as customer satisfaction. This also finds the echo in the study arguing that a long-term collaborative relationship with suppliers facilitate in garnering positive results in an array of activities as reflected in superior product quality, diminished length of lead time, prompt customer service